
Dr. Darja Hamidullina
After graduating from the University of Tartu in 2011 I was working as a dentist in Estonia and Finland. Since 2014 I work in the dental clinic EstDental OÜ (previously DentalBeauty OÜ), where we help our patients to obtain healthy teeth and a beautiful smile. In my work I specialise in the areas of prosthetics and surgery.
Hariduskäik | |
2006-2011 | Tartu Ülikool stomatoloogia eriala |
1994-2006 | Sillamäe vanalinnakool |
Koolitused | |
23.04.2022 | Mikrokirurgiline juureravi
Dr.Vitali Gavrilin |
14.01.2022 | Peri-implantitis prevention and treatment
Algirdas Puisys |
10.06.2022 | R2Gate baaskoolitus
Kristina Saarepera ja Andres Sander Uibomäe |
28.08.2020 | Hambumuskõrguse tõstmine direktse komposiitrestauratsiooni abil
Dr. Adomas Alinauskas |
08.02.2019 | Esmase konsultatsiooni efektiivsus ja raviplaani esitamise tõhusus
Dr. Aleksandr Baburov |
28.09.2019 | Pääsenud
Dr. Aleksey Frolov |
06.09.2019 | Olulised töövõtted ohutuks implantatsiooniks
Dr. Dmitri Ruzanov |
12.04.2019 | Regeneratiivsed protseduurid hammaste ja implantaatide ümber
Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini |
16.02.2019 | Prognosed bone augmentation in Dental Implantology
Ilgam Urazbaghtin |
20-21.03.2019 | Endodontic microsurgery
Dr. Kristina Badalyan |
11.01.2019 | Pehmete kudede käsitlemine implantaadi ümber
Dr. Olav Daum |
8.12.2018 | Direktsed komposiidid: täiustatud ja usaldusväärne tehnika
Dr. Adomas Auškalnis (Prodent OÜ) |
17.11.2018 | Naeratuse rekonstruktsioon
Dr. Aleksandr Baburov |
2.03-3.03.2018 | Kõik ühe etapiga – suukirurgia ja implantoloogia autorikursus koos LIVE operatsiooniga
(Dr. Eduard Antšakov) |
1.02.2018 -19.05.2018 | Dr.Istvan Urbans Institute “Regenerator” program |
9.12.2017 | 3D röntgen hambaarsti igepäevases peaktikas. Teeme keerulise lihtsaks!
(Dr. Aleksei Krasnov, Venemaa) |
3.11.2017 | Implantology and Prosthodontics on implants. Basic Cource
Dr. Dmitri Ruzanov |
28.04.2017 | Astmest vabaks. Teooria ja hands on
Dr. Alina Ruzanova |
10.02.2017 | “Cad-Cam. Realities and challenges”
Igor Denissov |
3.12.2016 | A-PRF, I-PRF in general dental surgery, periodontology, immediate implantatsion and immediate implant loading. |
20.10.2016 | Esihammaste restauratsioonid komposiidiga
Dr.Ieva Jelisejeva |
24.09.2016 | Juureravi ümberravi
Dr. Igor Nojenko |
17-18.09.2016 | 3 Dimentional face and jaw area readiodiagnostics
Dmitri Rogatskin |
18.03.2016 | Expert in Implantology
ICX templant and ICX-Magellan |
27.05.2016 | Jäljendamine hambaravis
Dr. Martin Martmaa, Andres August Annsoo, Kristel Nigul, Elisabeth Einblau |
30-31.05.2016 | Frequently asked questions on endodontics. Non – surgical and surgical approach. Treatment in teeth with fractured instrument fragments.
Ilya Mer , Moscow |
28-29.03.2015 | The planning of prosthetic treatment Dr. Gadži Dažajev |
06.03.2015 | Endofrost Tallinn, Esonia |
14-15.02.2015 | How to achieve perfect result in aesthetic dentistry Bernat Touati St.Pitersburg, Russia |
21-22.11.2014 | 1st Baltic Implantology Symposium Riga, Latvia |
18.10.2014 | Dr. Mauro Fradeani course ”Full mouth esthetic rehabilitations. A comprehensive prosthetic
approach: tradition vs innovation” |
06.06.2014 | TTDentali 6 aastakonverents |
23-24.05.2014 | -Digital Dental Photography (by Javier Tapia Guadix)
-The paradigm of restorative dentistry: direct techniques vs indirect techniques for anterior and posterior dentition (by Javier Tapia Guardix) |
12.04.2014 | Kirurgiakonverents Prof. Ralf Smeets, dr. Till Gerlach |
28.03.2014 | Kevadkonverents
By dr.Stephen Browdet, dr.Tapio Nurmi |
22-23.02.2014 | From endodontics to restauration
Mixfight dentistry by Maksim Belograd |
13.02.2014 | Endodontistilt hambaarstile (TÜ arstiteaduskonna täienduskeskuse täienduskursus) |
30-31.12.2013 | Ankylos system Implantation course (theory&practice)
St. Pitersburg implantation school |
30.11.2013 | Implantoloogia seminar, esteetika ja funktsioon
By Dr.Pablo Hess (germany) |
14-16.11.2013 | International conference for dentists, dental technitions, students, hygienists
Perfection in dentistry. World Leaders Aims and Achievments Dr. med.dent. Pascal Magne, Wolfgang Bengel, Dr. Alessandro Ponte, jne |
26.10.2013 | Sügiskonverents-näitus. Sündinud meistriks (dr. Stephen Browdet) |
22.08.2013 | EHP 2013 eelkursus: Juureravi vs. implantaat. Hamba säilitamise kriteeriumid
Dr. Ilja Mer |
26.04.2013 | Periodontaal – regineratiivnekirurgia (Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli, DDS) |
08-13.04.2013 | Ivoclar Vivadent Programms (e.max system, Adhäsive Befestigung mit Variolink 2,
Präparationsarten für metallfreie Restaurationen (Veneer, Inlay, Onlay), CADCAM IvocalVivadent Ellwangen |
30.03.2013 | Ohutuimplantatsioonialused (Dr. AlonRass) |
29.11-01.12.2012 | Quintessence Baltic Conference |
24.10.2012 | Facebow and Articulator – solving occlusion problems
Natrodent center, Poland |
17.05.2012 | Surgical conference (Dr. Frederic A.M. Hermann, Dr. Dagmar Marandi, Dr. Alan Rass, Prof. Pascal Valentini, Hr. Stefano Pagnutti) |
20.04.2012 | Uus tase professionaalses suuhügieenis – uued effektiivsed ravimeetodid uute innovaatiliste instrumentide ja puhastusseadmetega (Vesna Braun) |
06.12.2011 | Kuidas parandada jäljendite kvaliteeti. Erinevate komposiitide ja bondingsüsteemide funktsioon ja eelised (Norbert, Alexander Leo) |
1-2.12.2011 | Roeland de Paepe, CDT
Training course on dental conservation using G-aenial matherials. |
22.11.2011 | Endoconverence (Prof. Giuseppe Cantatore – Italia, Dr. Laura Andriukaitiene – Lithuanian, Dr. Veiko Vengerfeldt – Estonia) |
7.10.2011 | Teeth preparation for ceramic crowns (hands-on kursus), Tartu |
1.07.11-11.07.2011 | Training course on dental conservation using the equipment, materials and techniques of “Dentsply International“
Training Centre „Apollonia“ |

Dr. Maria Lukjanova (previously Jevhuta)
I graduated from the University of Tartu in 2008. Working as a dentist appeals me because of our goal to help people while constantly improving professionally. I have work experience in Estonia and Finland. Prosthetics and paediatric dentistry are of special interest for me. I also write posts on different topics of paediatric dentistry with which you can get familiar in the “Blog” section.
Hariduskäik | |
2003-2008 | Tartu Ülikool stomatoloogia eriala |
1995-2003 | Karjamaa Gümnaasium |
1991-1995 | Vana-kalamaja Põhikool |
Koolitused | |
27.08.2021 | Eesti Hambaarstide Päevad 2021 |
18.05.2019 | Direktne esihammaste komposiit restauratsioon (dr Denis Krutikov), Meerhof Dental Kliinik & MTI Dental Academy |
04.05.2019 | Profülaktika (dr Tetyana Peshko), korraldaja Dental Club OÜ |
22.11.2019 | Näo piirkonna esteetika |
21.06.2019 | Module 1: Mastering tooth preparation for veneers, crowns, onlays (dr. Maxim Belograd) |
07.06.2019 | Фреш-Микс. Детская Стоматологическая кухня. |
30.08.2018 | Eesti Hambaarstide Päevad 2018 |
02.03.2018 | Kõik ühe etapiga – suukirurgia ja implantoloogia autorikursus koos LIVE operatsiooniga (dr Eduard Antšakov) |
01.12.2018 | Pedodontia (dr Tetyana Peshko, UKR) – korraldaja Dental Club OÜ |
17.11.2018 | Naeratuse rekonstruktsioon (dr Aleksandr Baburovi autorikursus) |
22.12.2018 | Скользкие вопросы. Детская Стоматологическая кухня |
30.03.2018 | Endofrost: 100+1 kliinilist nippi ehk põrgusse see hambaraviteadus |
23.12.2017 | ЭндоРестаРан. Детская Стоматологическая Кухня |
09.12.2017 | 3d röntgen hambaarsti igapäevases praktikas. Teeme keerulise lihtsaks! |
15.08.2017 | Eesti Hambaarstide Päevad 2017 |
03.03.2017 | EndoFrost: teadus kohtub kliinikuga |

Dr. Darja Sinitsõna
I have been working as a dentist since 2016. I enjoy my work and I see opportunities for development and self-expression – it brings me happiness. I always try to create quiet atmosphere and establish good relationship with my patients. At the moment I am specializing in treatment of canals with a microscope and prosthetics. In the future I see my development in the field of surgery and implantology.
Koolitused | |
2021 | Korduv juureravi resortsiin-formaliin meetodil ravitud hammastel.
Dr. Ilya Mer |
2021 | Juureravi ümberravi alused.
Dr. Dmitri Nicolaev |
2020 | Astmevaba preparatsiooni kursus.
Dr. Pasquale Venuti, Dr. Marco Maiolino |
2019 | Loeng “Pääsenud” Hammaste säilitamise kontseptsioon.
Dr. Aleksey Frolov |
2019 | Direktne esihammaste komposiitrestauratsioon.
Dr. Denis Krutikov |
2018 | Hammaste valgendamine. Kõik mida te iial olete tahtnud valgendamisest teada!
Dr. Andrei Akulovich |
2018 | Esihammaste restauratsioonid komposiidiga.
Dr. Vitali Bogatšuk |
2018 | Koolitused Endodontilise ravi praktiline koolitus.
Dr. Liidia Nossikova |

Dr. Ksenia Ovchinikova
I am a member of the Estonian Dental Association and a member of the Estonian Association of Endodontists. In my daily work I specialize in endodontic treatment (treatment of tooth canals). In order to improve my professional knowledge I take various courses. I offer my patients modern methods and technologies of treatment. When working together with colleagues, in our working team, we always try to offer the best ways to solve various dental problems to our patients.
Education | |
2017-2020 | Tartu Ülikool, restauratiivse hambaravi residentuur endodontia erialal, restauratiivse hambaravi eriarst |
2006-2011 | Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond, hambaarstiteaduse eriala |
Courses | |
European Society of Endodontology 17th Biennial congress. “Endodontics: Where biology and technology merge” Barcelona, Spain | |
European Society of Endodontology 18th Biennial congress. “Rooted in the heart of Europe” Brussels, Belgium | |
Congress of Endodontics and Microsurgery (Fabio Gorni, Adam Stabholtz, Filippo Cordinali, Rui Pereira Da Costa, Elene Lipatova, Alexey Bolyachin), Moscow, Russia | |
European Society of Endodontology 19th Biennial congress. “Vienna calling experience the sound of Endodontology” Vienna, Austria | |
“Endodontic Microsurgery” course by Kristina Badalyan, Moscow, Russia | |
European Society of Endodontology 20th Biennial congress. “Knowledge into skill” Budapest, Hungary | |
Dominico Ricucci Endo Day meeting, Tallinn, Estonia |

Dr. Sergei Podolich
I have been practicing in Estonia since 2020. In my daily practice, I am engaged in therapy and endodontic treatment (treatment of tooth canals).
Courses |
„Dental Esthetics“ KERR |
„New-day tehnologies in endodontic treatment“ KERR |
„Mucosa-Oris: what should each dentist know in dentistry“ |
„ Aesthetic anterior composite restoration“ |
„Dentsply Sirona World 2019“ |

Dr. Daniel Kerge
I graduated from the University of Tartu in 2021. In this specialty most of all I like to help patients, make people happy. In my work, prosthetics, surgery and dental treatment with a microscope are of greater interest. In my free time, I prefer to play basketball, disc golf and spend time with close friends and family.
Courses |
Les Printanieres 2022, International implantology congress |
Lion France In-kone® and twinkon® implant system: implantology which respects tissues |
Väheinvasiivne suuõõne kirurgia. Optilise suurendusega ja ilma, kus on piirid? Klassikaline lähenemine vs optilise suurenduse kasutamine. |
Galip Gürel workshop. The ATP concept, indirect restoration manufacturing |
My first implant. How to start with confidence, Algirdas Puišys |

Dr. Andrei Morozov
Graduated from the University of Tartu in 2022, in the same year I entered the residency of restorative dentistry in the direction of periodontology and now specialize in gum diseases. In my work, I highly value the doctor-patient relationship and I try to involve the patient in the process and, through joint work, achieve the best result that suits everyone. In the rapidly developing world of medicine, I consider it important to constantly improve myself, so I study all the time. I attend various trainings and consult with specialists in other areas of dentistry.
Courses | |
2022 | EHÜL-I Kevadkonverents 2022 |
2022 | Loengupäev “ Didier Deitschi in Tallinn: Tooth Wear” |
2022 | Loengupäev Algirdas Puisys “ Periimplantitis” |
2021 | EHÜL-i Sügiskonverents |
2021 | Loengupäev “Castelluci Endo Day” |
2021 | EHÜL-I Kevadkonverents |
Dr. Ivan Rebert
I started working as a practicing dentist in 2014. I am constantly trying to deepen my knowledge by attending professional courses and studying specialized literature. My main goal is to find the best treatment plan taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. In my work I do my best to reach the result which pleases the patient and the doctor. This is the best motivation for me.

Aljona Artemjeva

Angelina Kruze

Olga Tsurkan

Olga Diomina
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