Dental implants restore your dentition, your smile, and your self-confidence!
A radiant and healthy smile can greatly improve your quality of life and boost your self-confidence! Conversely, missing teeth in the mouth increase the feeling of discomfort and awkwardness. Nowadays, dentistry has been developed to reach such heights that we can remedy the situation after tooth extraction. It is possible to restore the chewing function and aesthetics of the dentition with the help of dental implants. Let us find out closely what implants are, in what case can they be applied, and what the installation process looks like.

What is a dental implant?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that can be made from various titanium alloys. Titanium is a bioactive material, the most important property of which is the ability to integrate into the tissues of the human body. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jaw to hold a restoration that mimics the crown of a natural tooth. Implants provide a reliable and durable treatment result. By their properties and shape, dental implants are closest to natural teeth.
When can dental implants be used?
Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or to restore a whole dentition. The treatment plan is drawn up individually based on the patient’s wishes, his/her oral cavity status, and the characteristics of the patient’s health and his/her habits.
The implant placement process can be divided into the following steps:
- Initial consultation:
At the first visit, the patient gets acquainted with the dentist. The doctor collects a complete dental history and assesses the condition of the oral cavity. At the clinic, the patient undergoes CBCT imaging, which provides the basis for assessing the volume and condition of hard and soft tissues at the site of the future implant. - Treatment planning:
When drawing up a treatment plan, the dentist proceeds primarily from the patient’s request. An individual plan contains the installation of the required number of dental implants and the further prosthetic part of the work (e.g. installing a crown on an implant or making another type of prosthesis). - Implant placement:
Dental implants are placed within the jaw through a surgical procedure. After a few months, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone. This process is called osseointegration. The osseointegration process plays a key role in ensuring the stability of the implant. - Healing period:
Once a dental implant is placed, it takes several months for the implant to fuse with the bone and become stable. During this period—especially if we are dealing with a missing front tooth—it is possible to replace the crown part of the missing tooth with a temporary structure. - Making a prosthetic for an implant:
After the period of osseointegration of the dental implant, the prosthetic part of the structure is made. In the case of a single missing tooth, this is a single crown per implant. When several teeth are missing, a bridgework is applied. Modern medical technologies allow restoration that is similar to a natural tooth in its shape and color, which makes the finished structure look very natural. Patients will praise the work result, as they regain a radiant smile!

How time-consuming is the dental implant placement?
From start to finish (i.e. installing a crown), the process of installing a dental implant depends on many factors: the general health of the patient, the complexity of the case, the need to build up bone tissue and gums around the implant, and the ability of the patient’s body to regenerate. On average, the entire process from the moment of placement of a dental implant to that of a prosthetic structure takes from three to nine months.
It is important to note that the whole process must be well-planned and carefully thought out. The patient must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid complications and achieve the maximum result of treatment. Throughout the process, the dentist will inform the patient about the possible side effects of the treatment and the need to follow certain rules. This way the patient feels protected and comfortable.
A dental implant is the best way to replace a missing tooth!
The advent of dental implants in dentistry has provided us with a wonderful opportunity to restore missing teeth and ensure long-term and reliable results. Due to their high functionality and aesthetic appearance, implants can improve oral health and increase patient self-esteem. Beautiful teeth are the key to your radiant smile!
If you are considering the possibility of installing dental implants, sign up for a consultation at the EstDental Hambaravi clinic, please contact us. Let us help you achieve the radiant smile you have always dreamed of!
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